Let's Talk!

Hampstead Pool Spa & Patio – 3.11.13

All Data is from Google Search:
We ran some software to track your sites performance currently. As you would expect you do fine in Hampstead but many other high value targeted towns in your area do not do so well. The rankings need to be tracked on 2 fronts, Local Results and Organic Results. The local are tied to the map listing and the organic are tied to the website (simplified explanation). I highlighted 2 searches in Yellow that illustrate some of the problems with current results. The first one “Surf City NC Pool Contractor” looks like it does well in Local Results at position 3, but the problem is that the web search only shows the first 2 local results on the page – SEE SCREEN SHOT BELOW

“Surf City NC Pool Contractor” is just off the edge of Page 1 Local Results in a typical web search. You would need to click on “more results near Surf City NC” to find it in a live search.

“Wilmington NC Pool Construction” appears to be doing well in position 2 of Local Results, but a standard web search doesn’t call up any local results at all for this keyword search to your  listing doesn’t appear at all in the first 5 pages of Google Results.

For our discussion…
This link will show your pages now.
This link illustrates how Google Analytics looks (from another client).
This is a valuable free tool to measure results.

Work done for All Pool in Orlando – https://www.brandtastic1.com/swimming-pool/

Looking forward to working with you,

Frank Motola / cell 407-414-5270

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