Miguel & Yelitza Morales,
You will likely remember meeting Jose & Rosa Diaz (when you joined them in the “Florida” group at the big KRK meeting recently). Jose mentioned that you seemed interested in their success with web marketing. Since we are the company that has handled that effort for years, (even with the previous owner) we hope that you may give Brandtastic the opportunity to discuss how you can do better with web marketing.
One major difference you will find with us is that we have a proven record of success with all of our clients and can show tracking data to support our claims. This is one major distinction between our company and other SEO / Marketing PR companies. Many are able to talk about things like SEO, but few are able to get real tangible results like we do with ALL of our clients.
Today I ran some software that shows you exactly where your website is ranking currently for some keyword searches that seem appropriate.
Here are some of those “real” results from one of our clients – Kids ‘R’ Kids Orlando – This is for their marketing site, not the corporate site.
As you will see, this ongoing work delivers well but requires ongoing adjustments
to address the search terms that we are not at the top for.
Since we have worked with a Child Care Center for over 5 years now, I think that experience will help if we were to work for you. We are confident that our work will pay for itself many times over with the new business that is attracted by our efforts.
Frank Motola / cell 407-414-5270
You do well if the searcher uses “Jersey City” but if they used “Houston” that would not deliver results. I understand that there is another KRK in Cypress TX so that may not be a good target for you, but many parents may just use Houston when searching.