There is always a way. Just click on the 3 links below to get the docs.
original email – Rick,
Thanks for filling me in a bit today on the phone about
the project(s) and the potential markets. I am really
looking forward to helping your businesses grow with
a great web presence in a BIG way.
I split this into 3 documents since I assume the accounting
would require that type of set-up. If you need any changes
to the language or the details just let me know.
They are all basically the same because the process that I
use to deliver results generally requires the same steps.
Since you are essentially starting at zero – the process
applies to each company in terms of building a new site
and increasing rankings.
It was a bit late here on the east coast, so please excuse
any typos!
Fireplaces Plus – https://www.brandtastic1.com/FP-UBG1.doc
Clovis Architectural – https://www.brandtastic1.com/CA-UBG2.doc
Clovis Landscape – https://www.brandtastic1.com/CL-UBG3.doc
Frank Motola / 407-414-5270