Kourtney – As you know rankings determine the number of leads you get online.
Today I ran some software that shows you exactly where your current site is ranking.
As mentioned we can build a site with a “look” that is clean and modern and include the necessary SEO components that determine rank. The site also has to be easy to use for visitors too of course.
You will notice that your results below are OK for a few searches but dismal for others.For many important keyword phrases you are not even in the top 50! A new site build by Brandtastic will remedy that and you will start seeing results like our 7 other Chimney Sweep clients.
Let’s get going on something to improve this!
Here are results from Bill Murphy’s Hudson Valley Chimney
I work crazy hours so anytime between 7am and 9pm EST you will usually get me.
Frank Motola / cell 407-414-5270