Social Media Marketing Tips You Can’t Afford to Miss
Many business owners find that the world of social media is a big, mysterious place full of pitfalls and time wasting, non-productive activities. For those “driving blind” without knowledge of effective practices, a comprehensive plan or realistic goals, Social Media can cause more pain than gain. As we all know, a little bit of guidance can go a long way, and so without further ado, here are some social media marketing tips you can’t afford to miss.
Tip #1: Generate More Leads With Calls to Action
A social media “call to action” (CTA) is an integral, yet often overlooked, element of an effective social media strategy. The goal for social media marketing is to interact and engage with users in hopes to get them interested in your product or service; however most of these potential buyers need a push. By utilizing CTAs such as “Sign up today”, “Click Here”, “RSVP before we are out of space”, and “Enroll now”, you are enticing users to the next step in your sales (or conversion) process.
You can also use CTAs to encourage fans to share your posts/tweets/messages with their friends, followers, and peers. Including “Please share this exciting news” or “Pass this on to your peeps” with your posts can garner a lot of extra shares and your message can reach beyond just the fans or followers on your profile.
Tip #2: Be Generous With Your Content
Share useful content with your fans that they find interesting and will want to pass on. Content that sticks in a person’s mind will help gain a reader’s trust and may encourage them to check out your products or services. There is a ton of competition in social media, and by providing people with content they can use to help them solve a problem can help differentiate you in the marketplace.
Focusing content on topics that are fresh and current will make it engagement-friendly and more likely to be shared amongst peers. It’s also important to keep content flowing. We’ve all landed on blogs that haven’t been updated in months, and this can have a negative impact when it comes to the customer’s vision of company credibility. Readers want to see fresh and relevant content and keeping your social media up-to-date is imperative to an effective social media marketing campaign.
Also, readers love to be “in-the-know”. Let them know about new products or services your company will be debuting. Inside-the-ropes information makes fans and followers feel like they are a part of an online community.
Tip #3: Give Credence to Analytics and Data of Your Posts/Tweets/Messages
Use the social media data and analytics from each of your accounts and profiles to find out useful information such as location of readers, topics and keywords that attract readers. You can also find out the time and day an update is more likely to be seen by your audience.
You should designate a time every week to review the analytics of your posts and tweets. Learn which types of posts are converting a lead into a customer or fan, and use this data to cater your future posts to what has been working already.
It’s important to remember that there is no shortcut through the sales cycle and you will still need to “work a lead” in order to convert them into paying customers.
Tip #4: Give Your Posts More Pizazz
Readers will find posts that read like an ad boring and non-engaging. In the world of social media, you have to go the extra mile. Posts should not always be about trying to “sell” to the customer. Giving advice, sharing a joke, posting an inspirational quote, or blogging about current events will help engage with readers. When they are entertained by what you have posted, they will want to share it. The bottom line… don’t be boring, and don’t try to use every post to sell your product or service. Using catchy titles and sharing cool images or videos can entice users and have them wanting more.
Content assets can (and should) include photos, videos, printed word and audio/music. If every post you create is just text, it can be visually unstimulating and can appear boring and uninteresting. When scrolling down a Facebook feed, a person’s eye naturally stops at photos or videos. By adding these to posts, you are grabbing readers’ attentions.
Tip #5: Use Keywords Strategically
As with most online content, keywords should stay front and center. Think of keywords and topics that will be of most interest to your audience. Use this to create content that you can use across your social media accounts. By having a list of keywords and topics ready at hand, it will be much easier to create unique content that still helps you reach your goals.
Tip #6: Cater Your Content to the Sales Cycle
Your content strategy should consider where people are in the sales cycle. Figure out what stage – awareness, interest, consideration, purchase, retention, or advocacy – your readers are in. Cater your content to this stage. If many consumers are in the awareness stage, share blog posts about the benefits of your products of services. (Remember- people are attracted to things that solve problems or offer solutions to something they are facing.) This targeted content is quite effective for sales and leads.