With so many web pages competing for attention, getting your website noticed is increasingly more challenging. Gone are the days when you could simply create a website and have your website appear in search engine rankings within a week or two. So, what can you do? Here are our five best tips for getting your website noticed by Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines.
A great website contains helpful content relevant to your industry or niche. Consistently updating your web pages and writing well-written blog articles that capture the visitor’s
attention will also get the search engines to notice your website. That’s because every time you update or add a page to your website, search engine crawlers will index the content, giving you more opportunities to increase search engine rankings for your desired keywords.
Can visitors easily navigate your site to find the information they are seeking? If they are having trouble, chances are search engine bots are too. So, make sure your website has a user-friendly navigation menu with a clear hierarchal structure. By the way, linking your logo to the home page helps too.
According to recent statistics, more than 60% of search engine queries are done on a mobile device. Making sure your website is responsive will ensure it will adapt to the user’s screen size. So, when developing your website, it is vital to test it on various screens to ensure readability. Does your website pass the test? Try it out with the Google Mobile-Friendly Test Tool
When going somewhere unfamiliar, most people today use their smartphone or GPS in the car to pull up a map and get directions to their destination. A sitemap is like a roadmap that search engines use to crawl their way around becoming acquainted with the content on your website. It can also help visitors quickly locate topics of interest to them, so make sure it is also in a human readable format linked in the website footer.
As websites have become more interactive with various media formats like images, videos, and complicated coding, it can take longer for your web server to load the content. A website that takes a long time to load can cause a visitor to abandon the page, negatively impacting your bounce rate. Bounce rate is one of the most important ranking signals that Google and other search engines use to determine rankings. So, if your website has pages with high bounce rates, it can cause your SE rankings to drop, resulting in fewer visitors and conversions.
Your Web Marketing & SEO partner is vital to your business, like any other professional, to achieve profitable results from your marketing budget.
Your website can be one of your best salespersons. It can dramatically increase business leads, store traffic, and revenue by implementing the right digital, content marketing, and branding strategies to optimize SEO to get your website noticed and increase business in 2022. Frank Motola, President of Brandtastic, has been getting positive results for our clients since 1998.
Give Frank a call today at (813) 441-0275. Let’s get to work creating a professional website that will attract more customers to your business.