Waller Group Ranking Report – 11/23/14
We ran the rank tracking software on several keyword phrases that Waller may hope to rank well for. This information should be helpful when discussing your goals at our meeting tomorrow, Monday at 1pm. You may have other targeted keywords as well that we can discuss but this will give you a quick snapshot of where your site is now. If we can login to your Google Analytics account during our meeting that would be helpful as well.
This chart below shows approximately where you stand for several search terms on Google, Bing & Yahoo. You are doing fairly well in a few areas and not good at all in others. I notice that there are not many local results, so that area definately needs work. The organic results depend on many factors and I am sure that with a new site and an ongoing SEO program – many of these positions can improve dramatically.
Scroll down to the bottom to see some results we got for Rick Davis in Fresno. He owns a Construction Masonry & Landscape Material company.